One Piece: Proof of the Awakening of a New Era!

With the beginning of an era in the story, of course we will eventually find an end.  It's the same in the One Piece story.  The era of the greatest pirates must end, with the death of the figure of the pirate king, Gol D. Roger.  His death did not turn off the spirit of the young people to become pirates.  Instead, Roger's death became the starting point of a new era.

In addition to Roger's execution, Whitebeard's death also marked the end of an era.  This is agreed by the navy itself.  And before the timeskip started, Luffy had time to ring the Ox Bell which indicated that this was his era.  The old era has passed and the world must prepare for a new era.  The Wano Country arc can also be the point where the old era ends and a new era begins.

Evidence of the Old Era Complete

In addition to Roger's death, proof that the old era has begun to end is the death of the old generation of pirates.  Above we have mentioned about the figure of Whitebeard.  Whitebeard himself is the most powerful man in the world.  However, due to the illness he suffered and his defeat at the Marineford incident, he finally had to take his life.  Apart from Whitebeard, we have also seen the defeat of other Yonko.

As mentioned by Oda, defeat is more "deadly" than literally killing the character.  The defeat of the Yonko will also certainly shock the world.  This also happened in yesterday's chapter, where we saw how two strong Yonko, Big Mom and Kaido, who came from the old generation finally fell at the hands of Luffy and also Kid and Law.

In addition to the defeat of the Yonko and the death of the pirate king, throughout the Wano arc, Oda also often presents clues in the dialogues of the characters who mention a new era.  An example is when Marco told Big Mom that now was the time for a new generation.  He also tried to dissuade Big Mom from interfering in Kaido's fight.

Then, most recently when Shanks revealed directly to admiral Aramaki.  When the admiral fought Momonosuke, Shanks appeared and told Aramaki that what he was doing with the new generation was very unethical.  And Shanks then asks if Aramaki is afraid of the rise of a new era.  This of course further confirms that the new era is over.

The New Generation of Yonko

If some of the points above are not enough, maybe we can see the latest Yonko lineup.  In the previous chapter, the Gorosei officially appointed two new pirates to fill the void left by Kaido and Big Mom.  They chose Monkey D. Luffy and also Buggy to fill the position.  Both are pirates of the new generation.

So, if you pay attention, all the current Yonko are pirates of the new generation with Luffy's youngest figure.  All the things and clues that exist seem to give an answer that now is the time for a new era to emerge.  The old era itself has ended with the death of their various strong characters.  After all, the inheritance of will is the main theme of the series.

The legacy of that determination is passed from one generation to another.  This begins with giving Luffy a straw hat from Shanks' figure.  And since then, various other things have started to appear like the examples above.  It's certainly interesting to see what Oda will present in his story related to this new era.  Will Luffy be able to bring a new light to the world?  Let's just wait for the continuation of the story, okay?


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